1.In Karnataka an Organic Farming Mission has been constituted including the farmers among members and Rs.100 crores has been allotted to popularize organic farming in the state. Similar efforts are needed from other states to promote organic farming. 

2.Many states have not yet formulated Organic Farming policies. Ensuring State organic farming policies and credibility to implement them is the need of the hour.

3.To promote organic farming, different schemes should be formulated in coordination with NABARD to assist the farmers. Incentives in the shape of confessional rates of interest to organic agriculture farmers are essential for its further development. The organic producer groups / farmers / farms would be brought under special crop / farm insurance coverage, so that risk to farmers is zeroed down / minimized.

NABARD, National banks and other financial institutions should be persuadedand to provide special line of credit to the stakeholders involved in production, processing marketing and exporting of organic produce.

4. Marketing:

 ò  Developing organic supply chain system

ò  Direct marketing of organic produce from organic farmers groups shall be   facilitated.

ò  Encourage to set up exclusive organic marketing centers.

ò  Rythu Bazars (Kisan Mandis) should be involved in marketing.

ò  Facilitation for organizing weekly organic bazaars

ò  The large number of super market chains will also be involved in marketing the organic produce and opening of Outlets of organic products.

ò  Arranging producer and buyer meets regularly.

ò  Organisation of organic melas / exhibitions.

ò  Involvement of Girijan Co-operative Corporation in marketing organic forest produce.

ò  Set up agro industrial complexes near major towns for linking production, processing and marketing in the form of integrated system.

ò  Wide publicity should be made through mass media like television, radio, newspaper and posters to create awareness among public on organic farming systems. The propaganda aims towards spreading the message of quality, nutritious and safe food, clean environment, nature conserving system and to create demand for organic produce.          

ò  Incentives in prices over and above the MSP rates for agricultural commodities produced through organic farming.

ò  Development of processed and value added items for the export market

ò  Listing and documenting commodity wise traders, agencies, terminal markets and export agencies.

ò  To provide information on export potential of different products to the producers

ò  Arrange producers and International Buyers meet.

ò  Participation in International Fairs and Exhibitions.

5. Role of Agricultural and Veterinary Universities:

ò  Development of organic farming systems suitable for each area of different agro-climatic zones of the state.

ò  Research on nutrition management, insect / disease management in organic farming.

ò  Formation of Committee to study, document the management practices of organic farming and replicate these practices in other areas.

ò  Introduction of course curriculum on organic agriculture in primary, secondary and graduate studies.

ò  Shall identify, screen and develop native livestock breeds, which are locally adoptable and resistant to drought, parasites and diseases. They shall also screen herbal remedies for control of disease and parasites to livestock.

ò  Shall act as knowledge transfer centers for farmers and extension personals by starting modal organic farms in their Agriculture Research Stations and Krishi Vignan Kendras.

ò  Involving farmers closely in research design and implementation by working with them on their fields.            


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