Organic Farming was initiated in 10,000 years back when ancient farmers started cultivation depending on natural sources only. There is a brief mention of several organic inputs in our ancient literature like Rigveda, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Kautilya Arthasashthra etc. In fact Organic Agriculture has its roots in traditional agricultural practices that evolved in countless villages and farming communities over the millennium.


Ancient Period

 Mentions of Organic Practices


Oldest Practice


10,000 year old dating back to Neolithic age practiced by ancient cultivation like Mesopotamia, Hwang Ho basin etc




All dead things-rotting corpse or stinking garbage returned to earth are transformed into wholesome things that nourish life. Such is the alchemy of mother earth as interpreted by C. Rajagopalachari.


Mahabharata (5500 BC)


Mention of Kamadhenu, the celestial cow and its role on human life and soil fertility.


Kautilya Arthashastra (300 BC)


Mentioned several manures like oil cake, excreta of animals.


Brihad- Sanhita (by Varahmihir)


Described how to choose manures for different crops and the methods of manuring.


Rigveda (2500-1500 BC)


Mention of organic manure in Ria Veda 1, 161, 10,2500-1500 BC, is Green Manure in Atharva Veda II 8.3, (1000 BC). In Sukra (IV, V, 94, 107-112) it is stated that to cause healthy growth the plant should be nourished by dungs of goat, sheep, cow, water as well as meat. A reference of manure is also made in Vrksayurveda by surpala (manuscript, oxford, No 324 B, Six, 107-164)


Holy Quran 590 AD


At least one third of what you take out from soils must be returned to it implying recycling or post-harvest residue.



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